School Lunch Solutions
Is your child tired all the time, unable to focus in school, constantly whining, constipated, experiencing headaches or suffering from chronic colds? If so, your child may have a nutrient deficiency that can be easily corrected with a proper diet. A holistic nutritionist can help you plan lunches that will enable your child to concentrate in school, have the energy to participate in sports, build their immune system, as well as improve their mood and behavior. A child's lunch needs to include several key nutrients: Proteins ~ Children require protein to repair muscles damaged during play and sports, to boost the immune system, and to keep hair, skin, nails, bones and organs healthy. Sources include meat, eggs, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds, nut butters, cheese and yogurt. Carbohydrates ~ Children require carbs for energy. Complex carbs elevate blood sugar levels slowly and provide a longer lasting form of energy than simple carbs (candy, soft dr...