
Showing posts from August, 2010

What's in Season? ~ PLUMS

Ontario has two types of plums:  Japanese and European.  When buying plums, rich color equals quality.  European blue plums will not continue to ripen after harvest; however, Japanese plums (Shiro and Early Golden) will continue to ripen after harvest.  According to Foodland Ontario's website, the Early Golden variety (freestone) is Ontario's most popular yellow plum.  They are available through July and August.  I used this plum to make the jam featured below.  Nutrients Plums ( ) Plums are low in calories, and contain very good amounts of vitamin C, good amounts of vitamin A, B2, potassium, dietary fiber, and some iron.  Fresh plums and dried prunes reportedly contain phytonutrients (phenols) that function as antioxidents that may be helpful in preventing macular degeneration, boosting immunity, improving cardiac health, and protecting against cancer.  The vitamin C content assists in bette...